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5 Steps To Make Your Lead Generation Campaign Fruitful For Educational Institutions

5 Steps To Make Your Lead Generation Campaign Fruitful For Educational Institutions

Being an educational institution you must have printed flyers, sent out mailers and I am pretty sure you would have engaged your social-media followers to reach your favourable audience. And not just this, you must have tried every other marketing technique to grab eyeballs from your audience set, but still were not very successful to get the lead flow you expected for your institution.

If everything was as easy as our own college days, that the institutions could just send a message to the interested students, have them join, and that would put an end to the marketing efforts. Interested students would flock to the college, take admission, and it’s done. But, unfortunately- things are not this simple now.

Well, if you are stuck in a similar situation then this write-up is for you. Need not worry because there are simple steps that can help you generate quality leads for your school, college or university.

Let’s figure out how?

1. Make an offer one cannot refuse

Before a student joins, he or she should know what your college or institution offers, and above all, they must trust you. They should be interested in your name, the courses and the extracurricular activities that you offer. Making them aware of your classes, campus facilities, faculty, schedules and routines through your ads will get the maximum attention and student enrollments.
2. Create ads that capture the attention

Use sponsored content to promote updates about the school or college in the feed across desktop, mobile, and tablet. It's important to deliver personalized messages that drive more conversions than usual. Utilize pay-per-click text ads to market with a simple headline, description, and a suitable image.
3. Qualified leads can only come from the quality audience

Usage of the right demographic data to target the right audience by location, interest, study qualifications, rank, and more. Also, it's crucial to retarget website visitors, reach contacts, and build account-based marketing campaigns with matched audiences, using a set of custom targeting options.
4. Importance of admissions funnel

Students and parents these days are well-informed and have various career choices to pick from, so to make them choose your offerings is a big challenge. So, as with any other sales funnel, the admission funnel is regarded as a valuable method to plan the journey of your target students.

Education Marketing: The main objective of education marketing is to convince the students and their parents, that the money spent on taking admission in your institution is worth every penny. The systematic categorization of the enquiries into three different segments (hot, warm and cold leads) can help you define your audience and the inputs required to convert them. Students who already know about your institution and are interested in admission are categorized as hot leads. The ones who have listed down the school or colleges that they would consider for admission are the warm leads. And lastly, the ones who are not looking for any specific college to be in and are ready to join any institution are considered as cold leads.
A perfect situation is when an institution can convert 80% of these enquiries. The question is how to do that?
The answer is simple, by optimizing your website, brand and sales conversion.

5. A website that’s gripping and SEO friendly at the same time

A significant marketing tool for any business these days is a website, this is also relevant for educational institutions as well. It is an online spokesperson which you can use for educating the students about your school or college, its offerings, faculty and campus facilities. So the website should act as a gripping tool for the students and that's what makes it crucial to invest in developing a comprehensive website. Apart from the website design, it's very important that the website is optimised as per SEO guidelines.

So, what should you consider to make your website SEO friendly?

  • It should have a fast loading time, which should not exceed 2-3 seconds.
  • The website should be easy to navigate for the users.
  • Mobile responsiveness should be the utmost priority.
  • It should have a strong Content Management System.
  • A lead generation form to capture the details of potential students.
  • Specific landing pages should be optimised.

6. The journey from enquiry to conversion

Conversion of hot and warm leads is a little easier and easy to achieve. Therefore, it is important to identify and separate cold enquiries in a different list as these consume too much time. These enquiries are one of the few reasons why most of the organizations fall short of their numbers at last. Always keep one thing in mind. Nowadays, the audience is highly conscious, aware and selective! So, if you want to get the right numbers- you need the right marketing.

Last but not least!

In simple language, branding in education is the way students think about your college, view their quality subjectively and the way parents look for admissions or the way counsellors conduct the whole admission process. Finding a good digital marketing partner for your institution can solve multiple problems. This is where DigitalOye can be your partner. Join hands with us and you will never be short of leads for your educational institution.

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SEO Expert

As an SEO Expert, I'm dedicated to optimizing digital content for maximum visibility and engagement. With a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and trends, I specialize in driving organic traffic and improving website rankings. My expertise spans keyword research, on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, and analytics.