Ozzie Collectables

The Challenge

Ozzie Collectables targets a high niche area - action figures collectibles. Based in Australia, they target an audience that follows pop culture dedicatedly. Since their targeting had no geographical boundaries, they wanted to appear on the first page of the search engine but were struggling to do so. This way, they were losing out on a vast potential market worldwide.

The main challenge was to leverage modern SEO techniques that focused more on the value of the content than on keywords to improve their online presence.

Also, the company was not getting the desired results from their current paid ad campaigns, and so their return on investment was declining.


After understanding Ozzie Collectables' business environment, their needs, their target audience, and their competitors, we conducted an initial audit of their website. We suggested running Google Ads Campaigns for their products. By targeting keywords categorically, we took advantage of the hype that was created whenever a new pop culture movie was launched. All these campaigns were further optimized by targeting the right audience to improve lead relevancy.

Also, we ran shopping ads campaigns on Facebook to better target the young generation.


As a result of the relevant ad campaigns on Google and Facebook, quality leads were generated that resulted in a 33 times increase in the return on investment. We achieved a 15 times increase in conversions coming from Facebook and a whopping 20 times increase through Google Ads. Ozzie Collectables achieved a position on the first page of the search engine results pages. Over just four months, their conversion rate, returning customer rate, and the total number of orders have increased manifolds.

Services Used

For Ozzie Collectables to improve their online presence, we provided the following services to them:

The Results

  • Increase in Traffic


    Increase in Traffic

  • Increase in Conversion Rates


    Increase in Conversion Rates

  • Increase in Sales Pipeline


    Increase in Sales Pipeline