As a Digital Marketing & SEO Company in India, we at DigitalOye plan strategies to increase your organic traffic, ultimately leading to an increase in sales. As a result, you will need to invest less in advertisements as we ensure that your website is listed in the top five search results through SEO. What’s more, our SEO Services in Delhi NCR optimize your Digital Marketing Starategy in such a way that your brand gets the maximum visiblity among relavent target audience.

  • On-Page Search Engine Optimization

    • Keywords in Title Tag
    • Title tag starts with the keyword
    • Modifiers for long tail rankings in Title Tag
    • Keywords in URLs
    • No stop words in URLs
    • H1 as title tag
    • H2 as subtitle tags
    • Primary keyword appears in the first para of the content
    • Website should be responsive for mobiles and other devices
    • 2-3 internal links should be there
    • Include high quality external links in the webpage
    • Relevant images should be there in page or blog
    • Keyword should be there in ALT tags & filenames of the images
    • Buyer persona should be the basis for topic and keywords
    • Try to have atleast 500 words in the content
    • Avoid grammar or spelling errors
    • Main keyword synonyms should be there in the content
    • Have the original content and it should be relevant to the users
    • Page should load fast
    • No broken links on the page
  • Keyword Research

    • Google Suggest
    • Uber Suggest
    • Reddit Trends
    • Quora Trends
    • Google Related Searches
  • Speed up your website for Better user experience

    • Compress Images
    • Resize Images
    • Gzip Compression
    • Minify HTML / CSS / Javascript
    • Add Expires Headers
  • Publish new content

    • Main keywords in the page title
    • Page title should not exceed 60 characters
    • Main keywords at the beginning of the page title
    • Keywords in the page descriptions and meta descriptions
    • Page description should not exceed 200 characters
    • Headings should have main keywords
    • Use LSI keywords
    • LSI keywords should be used in the page body, content, and heading tags
    • Shorten URL for the post with keywords
    • Don't include stop words in the URL
    • WordPress SEO choose only one category
    • Use a maximum of 10 tags per post
    • Include an image or creative in start of the blog content
    • Keywords in the image alt tag
    • Include synonyms of the keywords in the content in possible manner so that it should not look out of the box there.
    • Media Embed — video or presentation
    • Downloadable file — PDF guides or template docs
    • 3+ external links
    • 3+ internal links
    • Grammar and spelling check should be done before publishing
    • Content title or headings
    • Share to social media option in the content
    • Keyword research before writing the blog post
    • CTAs in the content
    • Publish date of the post should be visible
    • Include the primary keywords in the H1 tag
  • Writing Articles on Medium

    • Your story or idea - Talk about it in your post naturally.
    • Write a attractive HEADLINE
    • Beautiful COVER IMAGE to boost CTRs
    • Direct selling should not be there
    • Use proper grammer and avoid spelling errors
    • On medium the content should not be focussed on keyword, rather it should be there with the idea or story you want to tell.
    • CLEAR FORMATTING, whitespace, headings, sub-headings, and short paragraphs
    • Use IMAGES — Photos, GIFs, memes, sketches to represent your stories and ideas
    • 5 RELEVANT TAGS should be included
    • 7 Minutes read will be favourable
  • Content Marketing Tips

    • A/B test for headlines
    • Add click to share on social media to increase the reach of content
    • A/B test share button visibility
    • User-friendly CTAs in the Content pop-ups
    • Make your content engageable
    • Do Guest blogging
    • Utilize old content
    • Schedule on multiple timings to cover different timezones
  • Use old content

    • Convert slides to video
    • Blogs to ebook
    • Blogs to video
    • Post on LinkedIn Pulse
    • Blog to article
    • Blogs to Podcast
    • ebook to podcast
    • Blog to SlideShare presentations
  • Other Content Platforms

    • Quora Blogs
    • Drupal
    • LinkedIn Publisher
    • Facebook Groups
    • Blogspot
    • Article Websites like eZine Articles
  • LinkedIn B2B Strategy

    • External and internal content - Both are Important
    • Find the right posting timings
    • Posts from the company’s blog
    • Share the content from the perspective of the platforms
    • Share links to eBooks, Case Studies & White Papers
    • Share your blogs & Articles on LinkedIn
    • Show client testimonials and success stories
    • Promote videos
    • Boost your posts
  • Facebook Lead Generation Organically

    • Link your landing pages on your primary pages
    • Repost the old content to generate the leads
    • Upload photos with landing pages links and blogs too
    • Upload photo albums with the theme related to your business and try to interlink it through the blog
    • Upload albums based on your landing page and link it back again
    • Create a video that summarizes the offer with the link to the offer page
    • Create Facebook live video explaining the offer with the landing page link
    • Create Facebook contests through posts link them through main page
    • Add a suitable CTA on your Facebook page
    • Use Facebook Events to promote a limited period offer with the event leading to generic landing page
    • Analyze posts that generate the most leads and pin them to the top of the page feed
  • Instagram Marketing Essentials

    • Profile template
    • Posting template
    • Make a theme for your profile postings
    • Outbound activity (Favourite + Follow + Comment on other's profiles)
    • Cross promote
    • Contests & Campaigns
    • Mentions & Reports
    • Monitor & Analyze
  • LinkedIn Advanced Search Operators

    • For exact phrases, Use “QUOTES” to search
    • AND operator to search for 2 phrases
    • OR operator to search for either of the 2 phrases
    • Parenthesis for more complex searches
    • NOT to exclude a keyword from the search results
  • Social Media Management Tools

    • Hootsuite
    • Buffer
    • Hubspot
    • TweetDeck
    • SproutSocial
    • AgoraPulse
  • Business Website essentials

    • About Us Section
    • CTA for your product or services
    • Free resources and tools for your Target Audience
    • Client Testimonials
    • Social Media URLs
    • Google Analytics Integration
    • Google Webmasters Integration
    • Enquiry forms
  • Wordpress Website SEO

    • www vs non-www Domain
    • Install SEO Plugin for Wordpress
    • Setup Permalinks
    • Use Focus Keyword
    • Title Tags are important
    • Use Meta Descriptions
    • Use Meta Keywords - Doubtfull
    • Header Tags – H1 to H6
    • Alt Text
    • Title Text
    • Focus Keyword in First Paragraph
    • Content is King
    • Short URLs
    • Smart Image File Names
    • Dofollow vs NoFollow Links
    • Interlinks
    • High Domain Authority External Links
    • Affiliate Links
    • Sitemaps
    • Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console
    • Submit Sitemap to Bing Webmaster Tools
    • Submit Sitemap to Yandex Webmaster Tools
    • Force Crawl for Indexing
    • Social Signals are important
    • Research your Keywords
    • Generate Backlinks
    • SSL Certificate
    • Schema Markup
    • Social Markup
    • Last Updated Date in SERPs
    • Knowledge Graph
    • Claim your Profiles
    • HyperLocal SEO
    • Google Business Listings
    • Google Image Search
    • Multi-language WordPress SEO
    • Website Speed is important
    • No Broken Links
    • Regular SEO Audits
    • Mobile Usability
    • WordPress Categories
    • Google Analytics
    • Keyword Rankings
  • Essential WP Plugin

    • Akismet
    • Yoast SEO
    • Jetpack
    • Google Analytics Dashboard
    • Disqus Comment System
    • W3 Total Cache
    • Contact Form 7
  • Content Marketing

    • Content of Website
    • Proper words instead of local slangs
    • Each Article ( Blogs + Description Pages) about 300-700 words
    • Keywords
    • Simple to Understand
    • No Negative or Objectionable words used
  • UX

    • Interactable
    • Responsiveness or Mobile Friendly
    • Attractive to engage
    • Understandable
    • Fast to load
    • Redirecting Links
  • Social Media/Contact Options

    • Contact Number
    • Social Media Icons present
    • Email Option present
    • Whatsapp/Skype options
    • Address
  • Analytics - To measure 'Reach'

    • Target Audience Growth: The rate at which a brand adds (or loses) target audience members on each channel
    • Percentage of audience: The percentage of people a brand will engage as compared to its competitors
    • Intensity of engagement: How a brand’s engagement metrics compare to others in similar fields
  • Analytics – Engagement

    • Amplification rate: it refers to the rate at which the audiences interact with your pages with the duration spent on the web-pages too.
    • Applause rate: The number of approval actions, refers to the engagements in the from of likes, comments and tweets. The percentage of your audience that has been engaged with you through your content.
    • Average engagement rate: The percentage of your total audience that has engaged with your content in any way on a social channel per reporting period.
    • Conversation rate: How often conversions happen on your posts and social media pages.
  • Analytics – Acquisition

    • Click-through rate: The rate at which your audience clicks on a link within a post on a given social network (number of clicks on a post divided by the impressions for the post)
    • CPC: Cost per click for the particular ad Leads: The number conversions achieved in the form of sales.
    • Leads: The number of potential sales contacts earned through social media per time period
  • Analytics – Conversion

    • Conversions: Number of conversions per time unit (email subscriptions, downloads, registrations, installs, etc)
    • Conversion rate: The percentage of users who do the desired conversion action, found by dividing number of conversions by total traffic per period
    • Cost per conversion: Amount of how much a brand pays in order to attain a conversion
    • ROI or return on investment: Revenue generated by social media efforts divided by all known social media expenses
  • Analytics – Retention

    • Customer retention rate: The percentage of the total number of audience retained in context to the audience that has left.
    • Customer turnover rate/churn: Refers to the number of customers who leave the brand within a particular period of time.A measure of the number of customers who leave over a specific period of time
    • Brand evangelists: Number of customers your brand would consider evangelists based on their social media advocacy
  • Analytics – Blogging Metrics

    • Average Time on site
    • Count visits and unique visitors
    • Page views per session
    • RSS feeds and email lists
    • Brand-related metrics
    • Product information metrics
    • Call to action
    • Blog related metrics
    • Blog related expenses
    • Blogging ROI
    • Search ranking
    • Inbound links
    • Outbound links
    • Intra company links
    • Number of social media shares
    • Video or Other Media Downloads or Views
    • Post-Purchases Support
    • Number of customer questions answered
    • Response time
    • Reader Comments and / Or Votes
    • Community Engagement & Response times
    • Media links
    • Number of Posts
  • Conversion Rate Optimization – Landing Page

    • Start with a page goal and work backwards (identify the type of customer you are trying to convert and the conversion you are trying to achieve)
    • Stick to one goal per landing page - minimises the paradox of choice for the visitor and it makes it much easier for you to write the copy. Examples of goals are:
    • Subscribe to a newsletter. Watch a video. Submit a question or a comment. Share on social media. Invite a friend.
    • Start with the headline You should spend at least 50% of your time getting this right. This will set the tone and the content for your landing page.
    • Use odd numbers in your headline (lists - odd numbers especially attract readers and are proven to convert)
    • Try strange, fun, intriguing, adjectives. Use your creativity and choose words like perplexing, mesmerizing, even discombobulating (so some say)
    • Use the voice of the customer and hypnotic words in your copy.
    • Go easy on the keywords Headlines that read like SEO bait are easy to spot and easy to dismiss
    • Don't be bossy Hard sell tactics don't work well to convert
    • Use the right length i.e. provide only as much information is as needed to convert the visitor at that stage. Too much info at the start may mean the visitor bounces before he sees your call to action. Too little and it may not be sufficient to convert. You really only know if you Try, Track and Test.
    • Be concise, not short. Headlines with more than 8 words perform better than shorter headlines. The sweet spot is between 12-18 words.
    • Show social proof to minimize anxiety. Other trust signals like testimonials, Facebook comments, Tweets, Reviews, Number of Users, all help to convert the visitor.
    • Remove external links - keep your visitors focused on your goal with only one option to click Consider removing your menu bar on your landing pages (A/B test this)
    • Keep it simple - offer your reader something interesting without leading them astray. leave your audience wanting more.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization – A/B Testing

    • A/B Test your headline & sub-headline
    • A/B test your typography (fonts, sizes) for your headline, body and CTA.
    • A/B Test your copy, tone, adjectives, try different customers voice
    • A/B Test your format and page layout.
    • A/B Test the Path to Purchase. Sometimes an arrow pointing to the CTA or something that directs the line of vision to the CTA helps to draw attention to it. If you make the path to purchase very convoluted, you are reducing the probability for conversion
    • A/B Test removing menu bar and unrelated links - try to limit distraction and remove unnecessary links from the page.
    • A/B Test the background colour of your page - Changing the colour can have a large impact on your conversion rate. Some reports say using a complimentary colour for your call to action
  • Conversion Rate Optimization – CTA

    • If it's an external Call to Action, does it lead to a landing page that is clearly designed with one goal for conversion?
    • A/B test the Layout
    • A/B test the CTAs
    • A/B Test the typography
    • A/B test the colour
    • A/B Test the content copy
    • A/B Test the offers
    • A/B Test your forms - reduce number of fields required. Move the position around.
  • Brand Guide Lines

    • Product and Service Introduction – Your brand book should provide the information about your brand ( whether it’s a product or service) as it develops trust among your customers and helps them associate with your brand closely
    • Mission and Vision – The mission and vision statement of your company is a must on your brandbook as it helps to shape the branding strategy as per the mission and vision of the organization. As it helps in developing the brand value and helps in laying the strong foundation for a perfect brand development.
    • Unique Selling Proposition – The USP of the brand tells how your brand differentiates from the others in the industry. Your brandbook speaks for your brand identity hence the element is a must have on the book.
    • Brand Positioning – It helps you to determine that how customers perceive the image of your brand. Hence for your branding to stand up to mark, a strong brand positioning must be a part of your brandbook.
    • Brand Promise – What your band promises to deliver among the customers with should be there in the essential features of the brand to satisfy the customer. This helps to understand your brand much better and set expectations accordingly as per the customer needs.
    • Brand Proposition – It is a core element of brand development and gives a statement of the brand. As brand proposition identifies your brand and its offerings it also dictates various spheres of branding hence its inclusion is a necessity for your brandbook
    • Logo – The logo is the heart of your company’s branding. Hence the architecture and logo design is the core requirement of the brandbook
    • Reverse Logo – How do you showcase your logo on a background which has the same color as your logo? Here is where the logo of your brand comes into play.
    • Monochrome Logo – It basically refers to the black & white version of your logo. It does not contain any shades the icon and watermarks play an important role in developing the brand logo for a perfect branding The Do’s and Don't s of the logo should be taken as an important parameter for the rand like which logo should be used in which situation should be clearly intended.
    • Icon and watermark usage – The icon and watermark usage guidelines would help the designers use the icons and watermarks appropriately in the branding collaterals
    • Logo Usage and Guidelines – The Do’s and Don’ts of the logo usage, which logo to use in what situation, would all be covered under the logo usage and guidelines
    • Co-branded logo and usage – If your are tying up with other brand for the logo development then the co-branded will play a key role in boosting your brand with the help of another brand. This element would help specify how the brand logo will be used under the brochure design guidelines – Brochure templates and usage guides should be essential part of the branding process as brochure play and important role in getting your brand a promising audience reach.
    • Trademark/ Registered Icon Usage – This element would help specify how the brand logo would be used with the trademark and the registered icons
    • Brochure Design Guidelines and Usage – Brochure templates and usage guides should be a part of this branding package as brochures would help your brand reach a greater audience
    • Business Card and letterhead design – Business cards are essential part of the branding strategy as they play e key role in determining the purpose of the brand.
    • Type Face – In this brand associates with the typography they use. Hence the typeface design element will play an important role in maintaining the consistency of the brand.
    • TypeFace Usage and Guidelines – These would help you understand the usage of the various typefaces and how it would resonate with the brand’s voice
    • Color Palette – The color palette basically refers to the logo, primary and secondary colors which are the essentials for the brand logo development. The color usage refers to the correct guidelines for the perfect mix of primary, secondary and basic color pattern for the logo design & development, lifestyle photography and illustrations for the social media branding.
    • Color Usage – The color usage would include guidelines to ensure the correct usage of the primary and secondary brand colors
    • Imagery Usage Guidelines – The imagery guidelines would help in determining the appropriate usage of abstract designs, lifestyle photography and conceptual illustrations for the brand
    • Social Media Guidelines – would cover the right usage of profile picture, cover picture, logo, typography and correct use of social media creatives. The advertising templates would help in completing the necessary essentials of the advertising collateral's and help in the designers for a good social media development.
    • Social Media Cover Templates – Social media cover templates will play an important role in covering the social media product and service related campaigns.
    • Signage Specifications – Helps in conveying the brand standards and is instrumental in presenting the positive first impression
    • Branded Merchandise – The brandbook should also include how your branded merchandise would play a key role in maintaining the consistency of basic brand elements.
  • Inbound Marketing

    • Create Value with Blogging – Businesses that blog get more traffic and more links than those that do not.
    • Use Social Media to Drive Traffic – Nearly billions of people use social media to divert traffic on their websites through posts and ads.
    • Use SEO to increase your presence online-by optimizing the website with right keywords and use off page SEO as an antidote to develop quality backlinks.
    • Leverage People’s Audiences for boosting your website retention – Business see 3 times more faster growth with audience re-marketing campaigns. Create direct re-marketing campaigns through PPC and Facebook Ads too boost your customer retention rate by almost 70% with a proper call to action– 70% of businesses don’t have any notable calls-to-action on their homepage
    • Create Retargeting and PPC Online Ads – Retargeted visitors are 70% more likely to convert on your website
    • Direct Traffic with Calls-To-Action – 70% of businesses don’t have any notable calls-to-action on their homepage
    • Create Value with Content Offers – Premium content generates 3 times as many leads Tweet This! as traditional outbound marketing and costs 62% less. Convert Visitors with Landing Pages – 56% of all website clicks are directed to an internal page, not the home page. Use Opt-In Forms to Boost Conversions.
    • Convert Visitors with Landing Pages – 56% of all website clicks are directed to an internal page, not the home page.
    • Businesses with opt-in forms- can increase conversion rates by 100% or more!
    • Use Social Proof to Create Credibility. Customer reviews can increase marketing effectiveness by 54% because 88% of people trust reviews by other consumers as much as they trust recommendations from personal contacts.
    • Use Customer Relationship Management to Track Leads – A CRM can increase revenue by 41% per sales person when used to track and nurture leads.
    • Use Customer Relationship Management to Track Leads – A CRM can increase revenue by 41% per sales person when used to track and nurture leads. Send Emails to Close More Sales – Every $1 spent on email marketing has an average return of $44.25
    • Set Up Marketing Automation – Automating the lead nurturing process generates a 10% or greater increase in revenue in just 6-9 months. Create Sales Focused Contents – 61% of people are more likely to buy from a company that delivers content.
    • Create Sales Focused Contents – 61% of people are more likely to buy from a company that delivers content
    • Use Analytics to Find Top Channels – +50% of businesses find it difficult to make inbound attribute marketing to direct revenue generation.
    • Have Awesome Customer Support 65% of customers leave over a single poor customer service experience
    • Create Commentates on Social Media – 53% of people who follow brands on social media are more loyal to those brands.
    • Reward Loyal Customers – by rewarding your loyal customers you can boost your audience retention by 95%. That's why it's very crucial for business to give good reward points to the existing customers so as to retain them forever with mailers.
    • Use Personalization to Drive Engagement – Businesses see an increase of 20% in sales with personalized experiences and suggestions to give customers the content and products they want.
    • Use Survey & Feedback Tools – to analyze the feedback from from the existing customers regarding the product and service reviews. Collecting feedback will help eliminate the chance of a bad customer experience by almost 90%.
    • Collect Reviews & Testimonials – Studies show that more than 90% of the audience look for reviews before opting a product or services. Ask customers to add reviews for your product or service to attract new people.
  • Segmentation, Targeting & Customer Behaviour

    • Persona Build
    • Interests of Customers
    • Geographic and Demo graphic interests
    • Targeting Relevant Users
  • Free Infographic Submission Websites

    • Free
    • Free
    • Free 16
    • Free 19
    • Free 20
    • Free 20
    • Free 21
    • Free 26
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    • Free 30
    • Free 30
    • Free 30
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    • Free 31
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    • Free 83
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    • Free 97
    • Free 97